Wine Into Water 2017

Thank you to all who attended our 2017 Water Access Now: Wine Into Water event. On October 14th, 2017 we had a record number of over 175 attendees at Matthews Winery in Woodinville, WA. The evening highlighted speakers sharing real and personal stories on the 2017 successes of implementing clean water in Ghana. We also had Ghanian goods available including baskets/ items from the Bolgatanga Basket Weavers and Global Mamas. From the event, half wells, full wells, and thousands of dollars were raised! A very special thanks to all of the supporters for providing the means to continue our mission of providing clean water in Ghana! Thank you to all of the volunteers for helping make the event run smoothly, and to Water Access Now board members for providing food and event extras. Thanks to all who donated goods to the Ghana Store, Susan Nadeau and Anne Ulmer for underwriting the Divine Chocolates expenses, and Mark and Tonyia Cairns for sponsoring the wine tasting. Lastly, thank you to Matthews Winery for helping us host a wonderful evening celebration. Stay tuned for the great news about the 2018 wells we will finance. It's never too late to support Water Access Now. Donate Now!

Are you inspired by our work and want to join the team? Come see first hand the work we do in Ghana! The 2018 delegation is beginning to assemble and if you would like to join our summer trip contact us