W.A.T.E.R. and Water Access Now Delegations
Since 2006, delegations have traveled to Ghana with board members. This has produced the stories of the miracles of clean water in villages and the heart warming experience of being part of the communities in a personal way. The delegations commissioning of boreholes ensures accountability with local NGO partners and the ability to celebrate with the beneficiaries firsthand. We are thankful to Catholic Relief Services and Thomas Awiapo (our Ghana Partner and host) for continued partnership in Water Access Now.
** designates present Board Member
* designates past Board Member
L to R: Aly Howisey, Paul Graddon, Ashley Zerangue Freni, Jan Kline**, Jen Mullis, Teddi Alejandrino, Karla Gergen
Bottom: Teri Cella
Back Row: Kevin Duggan, Gene Cash, Jan Kline**, Marit Zimmerman, Barbara Harrington, Anne Janssen
Bottom Row: Ashley Zerangue Freni, Barb Luxenberg, Laurie Thibert
Back Row: Reese Hampton, Jen Reubish Danielson, Deana Barrow, Steve Zeller**, Mike Kline, Chris Freni, Bob Maher**
Mid Row: Courtney Howisey, Marie Taylor, Ashley Zerangue Freni, Martine Kulesa, Marti Bolcer, Jen Mullis, Stephanie Larson**, Karen Taylor
Bottom Row: Eduardo ZAVALA Reyes, Kevin Duggan, Jan Kline**, Barbara Luxenberg, Robin Kovaski*
Laurie Thibert, Zheng Wang, Tanya Myers, Roger Goldberg, Courtney Hoch
Back Row: Al Drinkwine, Jerry Graddon
Middle Row: Laurie Thibert, Jan Kline**,Jerrie Drinkwine
Bottom Row: Clay and Shari Anderson
Back Row: Jan Kline**, Jen Valdez, Bob Maher**, Jen Reubish Danielson, Dave Meyers
Bottom Row: Courtney Plummer – Intern, Dr Philip Darko, PhD, Blair Howisey, Hallie Hemmingsen-Pratt, Chris Dube*- RIP
L to R: Nicky Macinnes*, Brian Greenleaf, Wendy Krakauer, Thomas Awiapo, Natalie Kline, Jan Kline**, Becky Roe
L to R: Ercenck Keresteci**, Liz Hunter, Sarah Riggert, Barbara Luxenberg, Bob Maher**, Colette Tvedt*, Kelsey Tvedt Stult, Taylor Tvedt
Back Row: Jason Nadeau*, Laurie Thibert, Chris Dube*RIP,
Bottom Row: Jan Kline**, Susan Nadeau, Mary Thibert, Laurie Thibert (Not pictured, Osei Thibert)
L to R: Jim Briggs, Sue Briggs, Megan Wettlaufer, Julia Maher, Bob Maher**, Scott Haggerty, Liz Haggerty, Shelly Cerio, Barb Luxenberg (Not Pictured)
L to R: Tom Dube, Zoltan Abraham, Rachel Christensen, Margaret Jewison, Lila Djaba McQueen, Deana Barrow, Chris Norwood, Kelsy Barrow, Mark Cairns, Tonyia Cairns, Mike Fay, Rebecca Gergen (Not pictured, Jan Kline**)
Ercenk Keresteci,**, Stephanie Larson**, Ben Larson, Barbara Luxenberg, Jim Hawk, Tracy Hawk, Tennison Hawk, Barb Freidel
Back Row: Arnav Chawla; Varun Chawla; Renu Chawla; Anu Chawla; Jack Lewis; Sue Lewis; Jennifer Mitcham; Jessica Bowlus
Front Row: Jake Briggs, Linda Weatbrook, Amy Maher, Bob Maher**, Peter Lewis, Julia Maher, Madison Briggs
Back Row: Rachel Christensen, Margaret Soukup, Jen Mullis, Tom Dube
Front Row: Dan Soukup, Jan Kline**, Chris Norwood**
Delegation led by Bob Maher (President) and Ercenk Keresteci (Board Member)
2020 | None due to COVID-19
2021 | None due to COVID-19
Delegation led by Bob Maher** and Jan Kline**