Water Access Now identifies villages that have both the urgent need and also a high likelihood of sustaining a well. Sustainability means that the village and the local district water authority are committed to the long term success of the project. This requires that villages maintain a local water and sanitation (WATSAN) committee, and that the local district water authority is involved in and committed to the long term success of each well. We work directly with our partners in Ghana - partners that have a proven track record with us, and partners that share our vision of access, sustainability, and low overhead. Our organization provides much of the startup costs associated with building and maintaining a well. Our goal is to install the well and - more importantly, train the village on how to maintain the well.
Deep relationships and personal experiences are pivotal in raising and maintain awareness. We believe in invoking profound relationships and life changing experiences through personal engagement. So every summer, Water Access Now travels to Ghana to visit some of the villages that we have supported, and we bring back their stories to our supporters.
Through Water Access Now's core operating principles, transparency, experienced leadership and deep relationships, our organization is able to ADDRESS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT, bringing a renewed outlook on life for local Ghanaians.